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Seminars at Trinity University for First Year Students

The required course at Trinity University, "First Year Seminar" included reading, writing, and discussion on a topic chosen by the instructor or each section. The course was a true academic course tailored to the ability and interest of the instructor and, hopefully, the interest of the students. This page pertains only to my own efforts to teach the course a total of eight times on four different topics. A syllabus is given for each topic to illustrate how the topic was dealt with.
The mysteries chosen all fall under the category of "cozy" mysteries. The prerequisite for the Harry Potter topic was to have read all the books at least once. The writing focus was on formal writing but with opportunities for other types of writing. Library instruction was given in the use of data bases to research topics used in the formal papers.
Science in the Mystery Novel.
In addition to learning about the history and the organization of mystery novels, this course illustrated how science was incorporated into the novels. No reference was made to the "reality" TV programs such as CSI.
Religion in the Mystery Novel
In addition to learning about the history and the organization of mystery novels, this course illustrated how religion was incorporated into the novels. This topic was not limited to Christianity; Islam was not included since no cozy novels involving Islam could be found. 
Eccentrics and Misfits in the Mystery Novel
 In addition to learning about the history and the organization of mystery novels, this course illustrated how the characters, especially the detective and the detective's assistant utilize their different characteristics to accomplish their tasks.
Critical Perspectives on Harry Potter
 The two main topics were (1) what authors might have influenced Rowling in her writing and what authors might she have influenced and (2) extended discussions of the moral issues raised.
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