Chemistry Enrichment Resources
Church Resources

     Church officers will usually have a period of training to become familiar with the history of the denomination, the history of the local church, the rules of the denomination, the rules of the local church, budgets, mission priorities, and other general topics. Missing from this typical training is the details of how to carry out assignments.
     These handbooks are "how to" manuals with very specific suggestions. Theology is minimized even though important. These were written because I found a need from people for help in carrying out church responsibilities. Permission is given for these handbooks to be used as is or in part for church use as long as the author is acknowledged.
     There is no handbook for Deacons since that varies from church to church. The Book of Order says deacons' ministry is to be one of service and what ever else the session assigns.
1, Handbook for Clerks of Session in the Presbyterian Church (USA).
This is in three parts (Handbook, Appendix, and Minutes). The minutes section will be especially useful for new Clerk of Session.
Minutes of Congregation and Session
  1. Handbook for Congregational Nominating Committees
This is an extremely important committee. The persons nominated (and elected) affect the direction and effectiveness of the church.
The process of choosing the committee is an area in churches that contain pitfalls if the committee does not avoid them.
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3, Handbook for Moderators of Session Committees.
This would also be useful for any committee chair in any church.

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  1. Handbook for Elders
A very practical manual on how to be an effective member of the Session.
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  1. Parliamentary Procedure
This is useful for moderators of large sessions and for moderators of presbyteries.
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